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  • Writer's pictureJanine Lloyd

12 Reasons to Book a Sailing Holiday in the Seychelles

Have you ever thought of exploring the exquisite Seychelles islands and its pristine beaches on board a luxury Catamaran? Sailing holidays have become one of the best destinations for travelers as you will discover from these 15 reasons to book a sailing holiday in the Seychelles.

The adventure, freedom and privacy that sailing aboard a luxury yacht provides, and doing so in the gorgeous Seychelles islands will kick your holiday experience up a notch. Seychelles is one of the best destinations to relax, unwind and get away from the world for a while.

Whether it’s a fishing holiday you want, a family adventure or a relaxing social experience with friends, this holiday is one for the bucket list.

In fact, I reckon you will get so hooked you will come back for more.

1. The best beaches in the world

Seychelles is unique to other island destinations, largely due to having the world’s best beaches and breathtaking clear seas.

When you walk on a beach on any of the Seychelles, the white pristine sand is so soft it its incredible; you will pinch yourself to see if you are dreaming!

There are also the most spectacular bays with enticing shades of blue and turquoise ocean to languish, swim or play in.

2. Freedom to relax and unwind

Because you are on a “hotel on the water” you are not limited to one location, with a sailing holiday you get to “hop” to many different islands which is known as island hopping.

Sail the inner islands of Mahé, Praslin and La Dique where the economic and cultural hub of Seychelles lies. With unique rocky granite formations, pristine white beaches and hilly, lush tropical vegetation, these islands are incredible to explore.

If you have more time visit the outer islands called the Amirantes which is an island paradise consisting of 20 islands, atolls and islets – the perfect place to investigate on a live-aboard Catamaran or spend days fishing.

3. You don’t need sailing experience

That’s right! You do not need to have sailing experience because your Yacht comes inclusive of an experienced sailor who knows the ins and outs of the Yacht you chose. He also knows every nook and cranny of the islands to explore, depending on your holiday needs!

And while it may be your dream to skipper a 62-foot Lagoon Catamaran, wouldn’t you rather be spending time doing water activities, snorkelling or having a beer with your guests?

4. Privacy – just you and your guests

Nothing beats a holiday where you have absolute privacy. No loud neighbours, crowded beaches or noisy bars, it will be just you and your family or friends out on the seas.

And if you need a bit of nightlife or socialising, your skipper can moor at the closest port for you to hop off and visit one of the many restaurants or bars found on the islands.

I have taken a yacht trip before with other strangers hovering as you jump in for a snorkel, or rush to get to the next tourist spot; let me tell you having a Catamaran all to yourself with people you know is the best holiday ever.

5. Variety of islands to visit and things to do in Seychelles

With about 115 islands, amazing marine life, lush forests and unique Creole culture, your sailing holiday in Seychelles will provide an experience beyond your expectations.

You have endless activities to take part in from; local markets, ancient forests filled with Coco de Mer palm trees, hiking in the lush landscape, restaurants, plantations, to seeing giant tortoises and so much more.

If you love adventure, the water sport activities around Seychelles are thrilling from water skiing, kayaking, scuba diving, dinghy sailing, windsurfing and paragliding.

Every time I go back to the Seychelles there is something new to experience and you never ever get bored.

6. Enjoy being active and relaxing at the same time

What I love the most about a sailing holiday is that you can snorkel for hours or take part in a physical activity and then the next day just lounge on the Catamaran deck reading, playing cards or tanning.

With a private chef to take care of the cooking, bring you snacks and drinks, and generally take care of your every need, a sailing holiday with Ocean Charters is pure bliss.

A sailing holiday gives you the best of both worlds so that you can have something for everyone in your group. If someone just wants to relax, they can without having to limit what others want to do.

7. Enjoy nature and the wilderness

The Seychelles is so biodiverse that if nature is your thing, you will be in your element.

As the Seychelles islands were not inhabited until around 250 years ago, its rich plant species and habitat is relatively untouched.

From the rare Coco de Mer palm trees, the world’s largest raised Coral Atoll, granite rock formations, marine national park and more, your sailing holiday will be filled with natural treasures to find.

8. Jump in the ocean straight from the Yacht

Wake up early in the morning and dive straight into the clear blue ocean. Snorkel with the marine life that is abundant in the clear Indian ocean surrounding the Seychelles.

Spot Angelfish, Manta Ray’s, Surgeonfish, Green turtles, Coral bommies and loads more marine life while you explore the coral reefs found throughout the islands.

After your morning swim, enjoy a scrumptious morning breakfast on the deck or in the airconditioned dining cabin!

9. Avoid the crowds

If you prefer the privacy of private dining, quiet evenings and secluded beaches then sailing aboard a yacht is your dream holiday experience.

You don’t have to search for a decent spot on the beach or wait to get a seat at a table, your yacht provides all the expectations of a quiet island holiday, without the tourist crowd.

When you book with Ocean Charters be sure to mention that you would prefer secluded spots and we will make sure your skipper sails you there.

10. Spend quality time with family and friends

A sailing holiday gives you quality time with those you love; doing things together, exploring everything Seychelles has to offer and sharing star lit evenings aboard your luxury Yacht.

Make unique memories that you would just never experience with an ordinary holiday in a hotel. This shared time in an absolutely exquisite setting - that changes every day - will draw you and your loved ones closer than every before.

11. Fun and educational for the kids

Imagine sailing the islands with its variety of things to do with your children…not only do you get to have loads of fun, but you can teach them so much too.

The educational opportunities are vast when exploring raw nature with its rich plants, animals, fish, corals, granite formations, forests…everything in the Seychelles is a learning experience.

12. Romantic and exclusive to rekindle the flame

Can you imagine dining under the evening stars, watching sunsets and sunrises leaving you breathless? This is one of the most romantic holidays you will ever have in your lifetime.

Sail around the gorgeous islands and go wherever you want; dive off your yacht into the crystal clear blue waters, drink champers and beers on the deck, cuddle in an airconditioned cabin…it is truly incredible.

Spoil that someone special on a luxury charter that will keep you in your partner’s good books for years to come.

There you have it 15 reasons to book a sailing holiday in the Seychelles, so what are you waiting for? Contact Ocean Charters today to select the holiday of your dreams to suite you and your guests.

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